This page lists providers we’ve worked with or otherwise know and recommend to our clients. Obviously, we accept no liability for recommending them, and you should perform your usual due diligence. But these providers seem to share our philosophy of how to work with clients, and we admire the quality of service they provide. The details below are provided by the service providers themselves.

Daniel Lublin is a workplace lawyer who assists both employers and employees with all aspects of workplace law, including contracts, discipline and dismissal matters, post termination litigation and general counsel on workplace disputes. Daniel is a national workplace law columnist and he has been named as one of “Canada’s top employment lawyers” for 4 consecutive years.

Dolgin Professional Corporation is a dynamic business law firm dedicated to helping entrepreneurs start, grow and sell their businesses. We understand the importance of making fast-paced, informed and strategic decisions and we offer the essential business law services, advice and experience necessary to support our clients at all stages of the business life cycle. We aim to build lasting client relationships through consistently delivering the results you require…on time and on budget.” [I’ve known Jordan since I started practicing law. We frequently cross-refer when we are unable to act because of a conflict of interest or are too busy to take on a new client]

Marketing, Communications & Social Media
ME Consulting – Mark Evans is a digital marketing, content and social media strategist who works with start-ups and fast-growing companies. His areas of expertise include the creation of core messaging, story pitches for a variety of target audiences, and the writing of content for Web sites and marketing collateral. Through a partnership with Think 33, Mark also helps companies with develop and design Web sites, blogs, videos, application development and Facebook customization. [Mark is my partner in mesh – I’ve known him for many years and have worked with him closely.]

Promotional products
Rightsleeve is a promotional products company focused on merchandise development for technology and marketing companies. Rightsleeve designs and manufactures swag for trade shows, conferences, product launches, client gifts and employee recognition. They cater to picky and discerning people who want the best for their brands. Online ideas and inspiration via Web, Twitter, Facebook. [Rightsleeve has been our service provider for the mesh since we launched. We love their service.]